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CAFT 24k in hours
The Children’s Adventure Farm provides a variety of free programmes for terminally ill, disabled and disadvantaged children from all over the North West, who through no fault of their own miss out on the normalities of childhood. Each child that visits us is treated as an individual with their own strengths, likes and dislikes. Disability is never seen as a barrier to participation and we welcome children from all social and ethnic groups. Our brilliant Activity Play Specialists are trained to provide fun, safe and engaging activities that suit the interests and needs of every child who visits us.
CAFT is about fun for all. We raise over one million pounds annually to deliver our programmes, free of charge. We are a registered charity: no. 1003675.
This year at CAFT, we are hoping to extend our provision to 18,500 free visits for these important children.
24k in 24 hours is as it sounds: an opportunity for us to raise enough money - £24,000 - to support 2,000 children & their families to come for a half day visit to CAFT. That’s where you come in!
We are asking local clubs, schools, colleges, community groups & businesses if they might be able to fundraise for CAFT one day (or more!) in the week leading up to Friday 6th October. Whether it be a cake sale, a book swap, a raffle, a sponsored activity, or something completely different, we are hoping everyone will be creative in their ideas, to help us raise much needed funds to enable more children and their families to benefit from a visit to CAFT.
Needless to say, we will be very grateful to all who play their part in this idea and add to our ‘CAFT Totaliser’ on 6th Oct’, which will be shared across our social media platforms.
Fingers crossed you will be one of many people, who are the difference that makes a difference!